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Nuns, Tristan Bates, 2019.

Dutch Dame Productions

Director: Charlotte Everest

Set and Costume Designer: Tara Usher

Lighting Designer: Sally McCulloch

Executive Producers: Cecile Sinclair and Natalya Wolter-Ferguson

Producer: Valerie Isaiah Sadoh

" Tara Usher's set design is excellent. It perfectly frames, frills and sasses up the Tristan Bates space with a gloriously kitsch combo of electric neon , which accents model angel wings and a garish central cross, and baby pink and blue velvet bedsheets, adorned with simpering Christs. It creates the perfect realm for playful debauchery." - Spy in the Stalls

"This old-fashioned approach is in direct contrast to the neon crosses and confessional booths, which not only install a sense of irony, but warp any expectation of time... Sally McColloch, in charge of sound and lighting, along with set designer Tara Usher, take this performance home" - A Younger Theatre

"Tara Usher’s set design looks nice, the idea that holy life is a little more relaxed is brought to life in the furnishings of the convent dormitory while neon lights highlight specific areas." - Theatre Weekly